Friday, November 20, 2009

Amish Village

Have been talking all the technology advance and advantage. Maybe it is time to think about life without them. I took one day to visit Amish Village in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Oh right, I have to admit that I just had a out of blue plan to go there, if you are planning to go there, PLZ do not pick Sunday, Sunday is their holy day and everything was close.
However, if Sunday is your only free day, then there is one buggy ride store open for Sunday Customers (Jessica's Buggy Ride) , Yes, that was the one I visited.
Most Amish People rejected technology for simplie life. Before I went there, I was wondering how people can live without modern technology. It looked like they were contained to keep their own living style and consistent with their religion.
The Best American Food I've ever had- The Amish dinner feast
The dinner feast consisted of total of eight dishes. The best part of the feast was realizing all the ingredients were fresh from the Amish Farms~

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